Our Approach

Praxsys Leadership offers organizations a unique fusion of thinking, feeling, and action to transform organizational culture in organizations throughout the world.

Leaders and teams strive to be more effective in the work they do, fulfilled in their lives, and unified behind a shared set of values that benefit the whole organization.

An Integral Approach

At the heart of Praxsys Leadership is a profound sensitivity to people’s highest aspirations and deep compassion for the suffering that arises when they are unable to bring those hopes to fruition. Our pragmatic, evidence-based approach is customized to our client’s specific needs and delivered by a team of leadership coaches and consultants with rigor, practicality, effectiveness — and heart!

The work we do is enlivening and empowering for individuals, teams, and the organization as a whole, supporting system-wide shifts toward more trust, collaboration, equity, contribution and fulfillment.

At Praxsys Leadership we specialize in supporting purpose-driven organizations with a unique approach that is:

  • Pragmatic: Focused on tangible results

  • Rigorous: Based on consistent, evidence-based practice

  • Integral: Affirming and working with people’s human wholeness in mind, heart, and body.

  • Systemic: Developing not just individual or business effectiveness, but the human relationships, structures, and culture that tie them together.

Your organization and its people will:

  • Have a clearer sense of shared direction, with a “story of us” that breaks down silos and empowers purposeful action.

  • Experience more alignment in how people relate with each other, communicate, resolve differences, and work toward common goals.

  • Uncover the leadership potential in everyone, building teams and systems that enable your people to learn, grow, and lead together.

  • Develop highly effective teams within a more human organization where people feel seen, heard, valued, and bring their true talents to work — with heart!

This way of working improves not only professional effectiveness and personal fulfillment, but also creates profound shifts in the whole organizational culture.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • We have found that our integral, systemic approach creates outstanding results in a variety of industries and sectors as our leadership coaches coach to develop the whole person and the system rather than just to solve a specific problem. While an awareness of the culture and business imperatives of a particular industry can be helpful in coaching, it can actually sometimes be a detriment with the coach getting sucked into problem-solving verging on management consulting.

    Our leadership coaches bring deep professional experience in fields as diverse as construction, nonprofit management, telecommunications, philanthropy, financial services, biotech, consumer products, retail, aerospace, higher education, and public administration.

    But as integral coaches, our approach is squarely focused on supporting human development and effectiveness, which makes it applicable in a wide range of situations.

  • Most leadership coaches are concerned with coaching an individual toward achieving their own specific goals, often based on the premise that we create our own reality and can therefore change it. But the client inevitably finds that as much as they may try to shift their outlook and behaviors, people around them and the organizational culture exert a powerful pull back to the familiar status quo.

    In our leadership coaches recognize that no person is an island, and leadership has no meaning without other people to lead with. The web of relationships and organizational structures that enable us to create the impact we wish to see in the world can be either a great support or a huge hindrance in our effectiveness and development as leaders.

    At Praxsys Leadership, we work to shift both the individual and the organizational system to create a positive feedback loop that supports learning, change, development, and purpose.

  • Training and facilitation are tools that can be used in a variety of ways, and which we often deploy in the leadership development programs, team coaching, strategic planning, and other services we offer. But as the saying goes, when you have a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail.

    All too often, training offers a short-term fix that doesn’t really address and resolve the more fundamental blocks to a team being effective.

    Facilitation can be helpful for drawing out the wisdom of the group to take ownership of solutions, but in the absence of longer-term follow-up and reinforcement — and changes in the example being set at the top of the organization — it can become a band-aid solution that undermines deeper change.

    Our approach is integral, developmental, and systemic, focusing on the development of competencies that, supported by practices, are sustained beyond the engagement of our leadership coaches.

Now that you have learned more about our approach to leadership, visit our team page for background on our many coaches and consultants.