Leadership Impact Program

Create lasting shifts in your leadership culture that bring greater alignment, synergy, and impact.

Your organization is doing great—and you know it can do better. We all live in a work world that seems to be spinning more quickly every day, and it’s hard for even the most talented people to keep up. Change is hard, no matter whether the struggle is to onboard new people in a growing company, break down functional silos, create a unified culture across sites, or shift roles and culture to match new strategies.

In a world like this, more leaders are recognizing that piecemeal solutions just don’t cut it. Skill-based training can be a wonderful thing, but if it doesn’t impact the organizational culture, no lasting shifts can be expected. Leadership team coaching off-sites and trainings can help build relationships, but if the individuals aren’t committed to their own growth, there is no foothold for change.

Our individual executive coaching strategy can develop talent or help individuals in organizations adapt to new roles, but the impact will be limited if the people and systems around them don’t grow and adapt as well.

Our skillful team of coaches works with leaders to address not only the individual capacity of the leader, but also the context and system from which the person is leading.

A Path to Powerful, Sustainable Change

Raising Awareness and Shifting Behavior

With the Leadership Impact Program, we help organizations build new leadership cultures, whether the focus is on a single department, across functions, or throughout an organization. We combine an integral approach to human development with evidence-based methods grounded in the latest research and cutting-edge techniques in areas such as mindfulness, emotional intelligence, team effectiveness, and communication.


Building Competence at Three Levels

The Leadership Impact Program develops capacity for leaders in three domains:

  1. Developing each individual leader through self-awareness and practices that shift mindsets and build skill sets (“I”)

  2. Developing your team’s shared language, new skills, capacity for crucial conversations to build better communication and collaboration (“We”)

  3. Constructing a shared vision and collective practices to build the team’s collective capacity to lead transformational change within the organization and across its industry. (“It”)

The effectiveness of this model is evident as the work (It), is directly impacted by the way an organization acts with each other (We), and the consciousness that each person brings to their leadership style (I).

From Solid Foundation to Powerful Alignment

The Leadership Impact Program usually takes place over 8-12 months and consists of group sessions led by our seasoned facilitators, individual coaching with our certified Integral Coaches, and group coaching with peers. The flow of this program involves these basic elements:

  • All of our programs start with building trust in yourself, your team, and the system. This is the bedrock of extraordinary transformation and vast improvements.

  • From this solid footing, leaders are invited into a process of understanding what motivates behavior—their own and others’.

  • Once leaders begin to see the impact we have on one another and the organization as a whole, they can take action to shift behaviors for better communication, greater effectiveness, and clear alignment.

  • A new, aligned vision for the organization emerges, with a shared purpose and committed, effective stakeholders collaborating toward that vision.

Clients often experience such a powerful impact that they decide to continue deepening their work through additional cycles of work.

For a concrete example of what this evolution looks like, read our case study.

Take your organization to the next level of alignment, collaboration, productivity, and satisfaction.

For a free initial consult, contact Praxsys Leadership online or by calling our California offices about the Leadership Impact Program at (909) 632-1624.

  • “Our team has developed a trusting relationship with each other. We have a genuine respect for each other and are better able to see the possibilties as a group and align ourselves. The Leadership Impact Program got us to reflect and share what was really important to us with each other. It taght us how to give an receive feedback. We now hav meaningful conversations with no hiddena gendas.”

  • “As a result of the Leadership Impact Program we’re experienceing more unity and cohesiveness and less wated time We get things done with a lot more ease. We have more compassion for one another, mutual admiration, more heart and love.”

  • “I learned that a team must be able to demonstrate vulnerability to develop trust. The Feedback and Accountability model was very helpful in this, as was the Context/Possibility/Action approach. We must practice these and all the tools we learned regularly to develop new habits and make their effectiveness sustainable.”